After Hours: Repartee

by Mars


Well, I think this officially makes the "After Hours" thing an official series...^^;;;

Disclaimer: Okay, do I look like a rich schmuck to you?? I am a measly little 17-year-old who spent her all her money yesterday on candles and mice. Just what makes you think I own Gundam Wing? Hmmmm?

Notes: Oh boy. Here we go again. If you haven't read "After Hours" along with "After Hours: Starlit Gazebos", please do so now. This is the third part in my newly christened Wu/Sally series, and if you start're gonna be a tad bit lost. Trust me.

Once again, thanks goes out to all the people who gave me such kind reviews and to the people who stalked me and sent me e-mails! You guys made this a series (so if it sucks, it's your fault! ^_~ Just kidding! Just kidding!!) and I thank you.

Warnings: This one is strange. ~VERY~ strange. ^^; Just the local focal couple, driving each other batty. I also use, to quote my favorite Vulcan, many more "colorful metaphors" in this one than the previous two, so let your virgin ears be covered. As usual, I haven't had this beta'd, but I ran it through the spell-checker.



"To be loved is very demoralizing."

--Katharine Hepburn

~Po Apartment, 6:45 AM~

Damn it. Damn, damn, damn, damn. Damn. Dammit to hell.

She was out of conditioner.

Sally grumbled several various curses as she twisted the cap off the bottle and peeked inside. Yup, not one blob of conditioner to be seen. Rather peculiar considering she had just bought the bottle ~two~ days ago. Where had all her lovely off-brand, lavender scented conditioner gone? Nobody was in this apartment besides herself, and she hadn't used it all...

Of course.

Sally narrowed her eyes as the answer struck her. Little conniving bastard would do such a dastardly deed to repay her hospitality.

"Injustice," she mumbled. "This is just pure injustice."

This is what she got for letting Wufei stay in her apartment. This is what she got for taking pity on the poor dear who was collapsing from overwork and bringing him to her humble adobe. This is what she got for loving the little jerk enough to care for him.

Sally sighed and tossed the empty bottle over the shower door. She was just going to have to go to work with limp spaghetti hair. Oh well, no one would notice.

Sally splashed some more water on her face before she switched the faucet off. She'd kill Wufei later today, if she had time. She popped open the shower door and groped blinded for a towel.

Fortunately, someone kindly handed one to her.

"Arigatou," she said as she accepted the towel and began to dry her face.

Wait a minute. Someone handed her a towel?

Sally cracked open an eye and screamed.

Wufei casually stood there in his Preventers uniform, his black hair free of his ever-present ponytail and he practically ~reeked~ of lavender!

"Onna," he greeted and inclined his head.

Sally frantically covered herself with the dinky towel. "You...EECHI!" she spat and smacked him across the face.

Wufei remained nonplussed as he rubbed his now stinging cheek. "We're late for work."

Sally growled as she tried to think up a clever, witty, and insulting reply. Nothing was forthcoming.

"There is coffee in your travel mug downstairs. I also fixed you a bagel and I expect you to ~eat~ it before we leave. And thank you for the kind use of your shower facilities earlier this morning," Wufei gave her a small kiss on the cheek and proceeded out of the bathroom.

Sally grinned dumbly for a moment, touched that he had gone through the trouble of assembling a quick breakfast for her. And then she remembered the conditioner. And the fact he had just snuck up on her in the shower. Not to mention he had probably spiked her bagel with something too.

I'm going to kill him, she vowed as she stepped out of the shower stall. I am going to kill him.


~Preventers HQ, 7:40 AM~

" 't', baka, one...enter...and DONE!!!" Duo slid back from his desk in exaltation. Finally, FINALLY, the damned report was OVER and DONE with!! He could go home EARLY! He could wake Hilde up and get some breakfast! He could--

The computer beeped.

Duo leaned forward, an eyebrow raised. "'Not enough memory to save file,'" he read from the monitor. Duo felt his jaw sag. "Wha--? No! Just...just no!!" he pulled open his desk drawer in the vain hope that he had a computer disk or something else to save his work to. "Bubble ties...rubber newt...a quarter...dammit! Don't I have a friggen' disk in here! Wait!" he exclaimed as an idea struck him. "I can ~print~ it out! Yes! I have the answer! Lesse...file...print...okay!"

Duo breathed a sigh of relief. ~Now~ he could go home to Hilde and the cat. Now he could reap the rewards of spending six hours on his report. Now he could--

The computer beeped again.

"'Cannot find printer.' Figures," he mumbled. Time to break out the big guns. "Quuuuaaaatrrreeeeeeeeee!!!!" he bellowed, "Do you have a spare disk or something so I can save my report and go the hell home?!"

"Sure thing!" came the cheerful reply from across the office. "Just give me a minute!"

"Take as long as you want, Q-chan," Duo answered with a cheerful grin, already envisioning his homecoming. "Say...does anyone else smell lavender?"

"Itai!! Baka onna, do NOT kick me!!"

"Oh, you mean don't kick you like this?"

"OW! What did I just say??"

"Chang, do you honestly think I ~care~?"

"Yamero, onna!"

Duo blinked and exchanged the same bewildered look with Quatre at the conversation floating up the stairwell. His eyes shifted over to the clock and confirmed his suspicions. Seven forty-five. Wufei and Sally were arriving.

The stairwell door flew off its hinges as Wufei limped in, favoring his right leg. Sally followed closely behind, her expression unbelievably smug.

"Mornin' Wu-man! Mornin' Sally!" Duo cocked his head to the side in confusion. "Ano...Sally? Why is your hair so stringy?"

Duo was amazed at how perfectly Sally duplicated Heero's Glare of Death.

Wufei gimped into his office, purposely slamming the door behind him. Sally stuck her tongue out at the door and smirked. "Jerk," she grumbled before stalking into her office and slamming her door.

Duo groaned and hit his head on the desk, "Not again!" he moaned, "Oh God, pleasepleaseplease, don't let them be in their stupid prank phase again! Pleeaaassee!"

But his prayer went unanswered.


~Preventers HQ, 11:30 AM~

Duo sighed and threw yet another data disk into the mountainous pile behind him. Nothing was working. He'd tried Quatre's disks, Trowa's disks, official office disks and none of them had worked. He'd tried coaxing the computer into cooperation with bribes of upgrades, repairs, and games. He even tried having Quatre try to sweet-talk the machine! But somehow, the computer was immune to Quatre's sweet charms.

Wufei and Sally still had not budged from their respective offices, which was fine and dandy by Duo's standards. When they got in the mode to pester each other, nothing, not a jar of whiteout, not a coffee mug, not a desk lamp, and most certainly not innocent ol' Shinigami were safe.

Unfortunately, Wufei and Sally had the same lunch break in fifteen minutes.

Hell was about to break loose and soon.

Duo sighed again. Hopefully, they'd have enough sense to leave the computer system alone until he had managed to get his report saved...

The door to Wufei's office creaked open and a pair of onyx eyes peeked around the corner.

Duo cursed mentally. Of course Wufei would want an early start on Sally! Why be considerate to the people actually ~trying~ to do their jobs after all?

"Hey, Wu-man," he greeted unenthusiastically and then crinkled his nose as he caught an overwhelming whiff of lavender. "Damn! I didn't know you were a lavender buff, Wu-chan!"

Duo was amazed at the second perfect rendition of Heero's Glare of Death. And through an oak door, nonetheless!


The rest of Wufei came around the door carrying...Duo rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing correctly. A piece of plywood and a hammer??

Wufei grinned maliciously and limped over to Sally's office door.

Duo popped another disk into the computer drive and pretended not to watch.

Wufei drew several nails from his uniform jacket with one hand, while holding the plywood up to the door with another. Very slowly, very deliberately, he started to pound one of his nails into the board. When he finished, he held another nail in place and started the process over again.

Duo swore he heard an evil chuckle coming from Wufei's general direction.

Task completed, Wufei pocketed his hammer, and then rapped on the door with his knuckles, "Onna! Will you accompany me for lunch?"

Duo didn't hear Sally's reply. He was too busy puzzling over how Sally could hear such a quiet little knock, but not Wufei hammering her door shut.

He was snapped out of his mild reverie when he heard Sally attempting to open her door, to no avail.

"Dammit, Wufei!!" said the voice behind the sealed door, punctuating each word with a pound on the door. "Wufei!! *pound, pound!* Open my damn door! *pound, pound, fiddle with knob, pound!* Chang!!"

Wufei meandered back on over to his office, ignoring Sally's demands. "I ~told~ that baka onna to get a door that swung ~in~ not ~out~..."

His door clicked shut and Sally continued her futile banging and cursing. Duo decided it was time for lunch, and bolted for the stairs.


~Preventers HQ, 2:08 PM~

Duo was really beginning to wish for a window. With a window, he could throw his computer out into the street and back to whatever dimension of hell it had come from. As Shinigami, it was his job to kill and send those he killed to hell...And he could always blame Wufei for such gratuitous acts of violence...

He had given up the saving battle about a half-hour ago, and opted for the all-too-productive staring at the screen and thinking about flyswatters.


Quatre burst into the main office, sopping wet. Duo didn't even flick an eye. He couldn't, for it'd require thinking about something else.

"WHERE ARE THEY!?!?!?" Quatre demanded, eyes narrowed, fists clenched, and dangerously close to a ZERO flashback.

"Who?" some little office lackey whose name no one bothered to remember asked.

Quatre didn't bother to answer his question. "One of them busted the water pipe that runs above the bathroom!" he managed to spit out as he began to search the office for some sort of deadly weapon.

Sally fell through the ceiling.

All routine activity stopped so workers could stare as she picked herself up, brushed some of the plaster remains off her uniform, and picked up the enormous wrench that had fallen with her.

Sally took one good look at Quatre and winced. She'd gotten the wrong one. She had meant to bust the pipe when Wufei was in the bathroom. Unfortunately, it was difficult to tell who was who through an opaque ceiling. Quatre glowered at her and Sally swallowed. She'd heard stories of the Arabians unstable temper and had no desire to have it played out on her.

"Ano...thank God for hollow ceilings?" she tried, hoping to lighten the mood. "I mean, I might have never gotten out of my office without one!"

Quatre twitched.


~Preventers HQ, 4:00 PM~


"Sally, Wufei. Say it once."


Sally glanced up irritably from picking up the pieces of what had once been her desk. "What? Come for payback? It's your turn, right?" she shook her head, "No more today. I have to clean up what Quatre tore up."

"I'm ahead, anyways."

"Wanna bet?" she grumbled and turned back to the remains of her office. At least Quatre had had the decency to wreck only ~official~ Preventers property and not anything personal...Of course, Trowa had managed to talk to him and calm him down before Quatre had gotten that far...

"I have the shower, the conditioner, and the door on my side. You have measly little kicks."

"I hurt you, didn't I?"

"Only a weakling would admit to such things."

"I knew it," she smiled as she pulled a miraculously intact vase and daisy from the wreckage of her desk.

Outside, Duo continued to stare at his monitor.

"Find a place for this, will you?" Sally asked as she handed vase and flower up to Wufei.

Wufei took the vase and set it back down on the floor. Sally sighed.

"Marry me, onna."

Sally craned her neck around to get a good long look at Wufei. He looked back at her; his face his normal impassively arrogant mask.

"You're joking," she stated, "Have to beat me today, right? Not just by one prank, but how many? Dozens?"

"I'm serious."

"Sure you are." Wufei glared at her. Not just any glare, but the how-in-the-hell-can-you-be-such-a-baka-onna?!?! glare. "You ~are~ serious, aren't you?"

Wufei rolled his eyes.

"Ano...demo...ah..." Sally stuttered, suddenly at a loss for words.

"Yes or no, onna," Wufei prompted.

"SALLY," she corrected him before she went back to her stutters, "...Wufei, we've...ah...been together for what now?...A week? Don't you think...well, you know...don't you think it's a little...~soon~?"


"How eloquent," she remarked dryly. Sally picked up a wood splinter and twirled it about in her hands as though it were suddenly the center of the universe. "I don't know, pick such ~romantic~ times to ask questions like these..."

Outside, at the computer, Duo blinked for the first time in an hour.

"I suppose so...yes..." Sally finally settled on.

Wufei then did something she never thought she'd see. He smiled. Not one of his cute little grins, but a genuine, broad, put-Shinigami-to-shame smile. He snatched the wood piece from her hand and tossed it over his shoulder. "Thank you," he breathed as he brushed her knuckles with his lips.

Duo cricked his neck and scrubbed at his eyes, and desperately tried to figure out how long he'd been staring at the computer.

Wufei glanced over his shoulder and stood, "Excuse me. The baka is back among the living," and with that, he left.

Sally gaped at the empty spot he had left behind for several moments, wondering just what the hell she had gotten herself into. "Wait a minute..." she shot indignantly to her feet. "That's it!? You ask me to marry you and you just leave? That won't do, Chang Wufei, that just won't do at all!"

Wufei ignored her.


~Preventers HQ, 8:13 PM~

Duo glanced at his watch and yawned. Being up and awake for considerably more than twenty-four hours working on the exact same damn report was not good for the soul. Or anything else for that matter. And it naturally didn't help that Wufei had left his marriage proposal to Sally just to come outside and snicker at him.

As the grump would say, injustice.

On the other hand, the stupid Chang-Po War had ended early with minor casualties. And he wasn't one of them! That was always a good thing. Plus his computer decided to cooperate and read disks! (Strangely enough, it had started working when Wufei had come over to laugh at him...) Now it was only a matter of finding one that was ~empty.~ Then he was finally, ~FINALLY~, home free.

Duo grinned in triumph as he finally found what he was looking for. "Oh, thank sweet the sound of a disk being used!"

The office went stark black.

Duo immediately sat up and reached for his gun that he no longer had. What was happening? An attack?

"Ha! Gotcha Chang! We're even now!"

"Only weaklings fight through the circuit breaker!"

Duo felt his lower lip begin to quiver as he realized what had happened. "They...cut...the...power...they...cut...the...po...wer..."

His report he had spent so long typing up, thinking up creative euphemisms for, and of course, the entire battle to get the thing saved...all gone...

Duo let his head fall back down to his desk. He hoped Hilde had a picture of him in the apartment somewhere to remember him by...


--Dedicated to Starlight. (even though you haven't READ any of my Wu-bear/Sally stuff...>_<) I know I'm not ~THE ONE~ anymore, but I still love ya to pieces. ^_~ Besides, I can see us acting like say "silly girl", I kick you in the sneak up in my shower, I have you beheaded in France...

Yup, that's the peculiar third part. Got really strange near the end...maybe a relapse from the drugs I was on for part one?

And as for more inane holiday advice...Broadswords make for very effective Christmas crowd control. ^_^
