Title: The Depth of Obliviscence
Author: Tsuki
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing...

Chapter 4
The Prince of the Forgotten

Two years have past, it was already AC191. Another pathetic winter... But once they
graduate, this winter would be worth it. It was their graduation year. Noin was one of the
brightest students in fact she could be competition to Zechs if she'd only stop herself
letting Zechs become first and herself second.

Lately, Noin had been going to the Gravity room, coming back earlier than the other
As she walked down the dimly lit corridor with her hand lightly touching the wall,
she passed Zech's dormitory. Staring at the door she looked at it before looking downward
to find a note tucked under the door. It was persuading, just a little peek won't do much
harm. The little peek might even change the future, you never know.
Slowly, she leaned down and picked up the piece of paper and read it quietly to

~Hmm… What does Trieze Kushrenada have anything to do with Zechs? And meet him so
late at night at S32 quarters? The old abandoned quarters in ten minutes. Might make it
in time if I run.~

Darting out of the dormitories, Noin flung open the door and out into the night.
Several lights around her shone meekly but other than that, there was only darkness.

~I'll go through the shortcut.~

Trampling through the bushes, the sky preparing its torture awaited for her.
"Blast," she swore under her breath. Tears from the clouds flooded onto her clothes,
saturating them until the water reached her skin. Once white, now brown her sneakers had
an instant colour change.

~With the rain pouring, the shortcut will no longer be an option.~

She panted a little as she jumped out of the bushes and onto the side track,
splashing through the enormous mud puddles that had been quickly formed.

Shut tightly, the old wooden door wouldn't budge or even move an inch. If Zechs had
received the note before her, he would have thrown the note away which meant that he was
still coming. She took congnisance of the open window, about two metres higher than
herself. Scanning around, she spotted a barrel, just sturdy enough to put her weight on.
Although the window was half open, it wouldn't allow itself to be forced into a fully open position.
Eventually it gave up and was pushed open. Noin stepped up and swung her leg onto
the ledge, her other leg hanging slightly. Cautiously she pulled it over and climbed
inside to realise that she was in the main corridor.
Lights toward the end of the hall were on.

~Light? Well they must be meeting in there.~

Stealthily, Noin made the slightest noise possible as she entered the dim lit area.
There were a few old bookshelves to the far right of the door, a few tables and lecture
chairs. She could peek through the discarded wood pieces, piled onto the cupboards.
Creeping behind the cupboards, she walked up the wooden floorboards, into the darker area
of the room where she couldn't be as easily noticed.
Only three metres away from the front of the room was Treize Kushrenada, duke of OZ. Holding a red rose in his right hand and a glass of red wine in the other, Treize sat in an old leathery chair.
A few minutes later, a young teenager walked into the room, in his black cadet

~Must be Zechs.~

"Good evening, it's great to finally see you here," Treize grinned, a friendly grin,
"Milliardo Peacecraft." The OZ leader had short brown hair and two eyebrows that slightly
spilt into two. He wore a military uniform, with a golden rim around the collar.

Peacecraft? The family that once ruled the Sanc Kingdom? But the disaster several
years ago had wiped them out. That means he's the survivor.

"Your Excellency, how are you?" Zechs uttered.

~So it is Treize Kushrenada.~

"Perfectly fine. There are two more months until you graduate, then you'll be helping
"Yes sir," Zechs stared at him, his emotions weren't visible from under his mask but
his voice was serious and monotone.
"Not many cadets in your year worthy of taking notice except you and another young
teen, Lucrezia Noin."
Noin sneezed slightly but managed to muffle it.
"Don't you know her?"
"I know her, we're friends."
"Ah… I remember very well when she assisted me in battle as a child of twelve.
Rather experienced in mobile suits, a worthy companion." He paused for a little while,
sipping his wine before carrying on. "Well I reason I called you here was to tell you of
your imoto's progress."
"How is Relena?"
"Very well. You care a lot for her don't you? Even though she doesn't know you're
her brother nor her true rank as a princess."

Zechs' sister? Another Peacecraft?

Treize sighed and put the wineglass down onto the table. He patted the boy on the
shoulder. "Two more months Milliardo." He smirked and left the room, leaving Zechs in the
room, Noin's presence unknown to him.

Slowly wandering to the door, Zechs heard light footsteps approaching him.
"Who's there?" he snapped, looking towards the sound.
"You never told me…" a voice responded. "Milliardo Peacecraft." The figure made a
respectful bow and continued walking closer.
"Is it Noin?" he looked cautiously at her, his body standing as still as a statue.
It wasn't because he was afraid, he was tough, he would never run from battle. But his
instincts told him to stay put.
"Yes," the girl walked into the light, shivering slightly from the bitter coldness.
"Why are you here?" He was a bit stunned and calm at the same time.
"I read the note. Tell me why'd you join the OZ organisation if you were the heir to
the throne of the Sanc Kingdom?"
"There is no need to tell you."
"I understand you will someday. I won't rush you. Let me see who this Milliardo really
"I ask as a request not as a threat." She was half standing, her face growing paler
by the second and a puddle of water had formed around her. Panting, Noin kept half closing
her eyes, her breathing was slow and her legs were blatantly weak, barely able to support
her collapsing body.

~She won't survive like this.~

"Let me take you back, Noin," he walked towards her, his hand reaching out for her.
"I'm fine, perfectly fine," the stubborn girl asserted, using her energy to bat the
Prince's hand out of the way but the attack was feeble and ineffective. She tried her best to hold her exultant smile but failed miserably.
Standing there for a minute, deep in thought. Slowly, he lifted his mask off his
head, showing his ice blue eyes and handsome face.
Noin smirked, cherishing this moment.

~Just like I suspected…~

With a gentle smile plastered on her face, she collapsed onto the ground,
"Noin!" Zechs yelled, rushing to her side. Making sure she was alive, Zechs put his
finger under her nose, there was air. Gently, he slipped his mask back on and scooped up
the girl. His left hand supporting her back and his right arm holding her legs. Walking
smoothly, he was careful not to trip as he walked back to the dormitories, as the rain
died down.