Title: The Depth of Obliviscence
Author: Tsuki
Disclaimer: You know the stuff
Author's Not: It you like to send me comments, I don't mind. Send them to
suppi_neko@hotmail.com =^.^=

Chapter 8
A New Friend

Emma compelled the last of the people to move out of the building, urging them to
walk calmly but quickly. To her knowledge, everybody had managed to exit safely and
brushed the sweat off her forehead.
"Now where's Lucretzia?" she muttered, looking among the people, but there were so
many people yet none of them were her. Her extra special patient had disappeared,
somewhere. "Lucretzia?!" Her nervousness startled some people beside them. "Oh no..."

Briskly, the sound of smashing glass could be heard, the sheets of glass, breaking
into tiny sharp and perilous pieces. A person, clutching a frightened child had breached
the glass window in the fourth floor, crashing harshly onto the ground.
Fortunately, the two had landed on the soft silky grass but they barely showed
signs of live. Except when the child coughed and opened his eyes, staring at the people
around them. Lucretzia too slowly recovered from the fall, releasing her grip on the child and letting him back to his crying mother. Staggering onto her feet, the teenager only managed to fumble and collapse back onto the ground instead.
"Are you ok?" a fifteen year old girl offered her hand to Lucretzia. She had delft
hair, just like Lucretzia except she had a lock of hair, slightly covering her eyebrows.
Lucretzia looked up and smiled at her.
"Yeah. Thanks," she grabbed onto the girl's hand as she pulled her up.
"So, what's your name?"
"Lucretzia. Sorry, I don't really remember my last name."
"It's alright. My name is Hilde Schbeiker. Call me Hilde. It's a pleasure to meet

Hurriedly, the firemen washed out the hospital, extinguishing the fire but the
hospital was wreckage, barely salvaged from the fire.

Running towards them, Emma yelled, "Lucretzia are you ok?"
"I'm fine thank you, Emma," responded the teen, looking cheerily at the nurse.
"Lucretzia… Is this your friend or family?"
Hilde stated, "She's my friend. Is there any procedures we have to do?"
"You only need to fill out a few forms, that's all."
"Sure, no problem."

Leaving the watery scene, Lucretzia muttered, "Well Hilde, thanks for everything.
I guess I'll see you later."
"Where are you going? Aren't you staying with me?" Hilde clutched onto her hand,
holding firmly.
"Well you are my friend, right?"
"Then come and live with me. I'm sure Duo won't mind."
"He's my house mate, but he won't be back for quite some time. He's gone for
machinery repairs."
"I'm sorry about all this commotion but wouldn't I be a pest to you? I mean I don't
even remember anything before the time I was in the hospital."
"It doesn't matter. Let's go."

Entering the junkyard, the two walked into the house. "Wow, you have all this
Gundanium alloy and Titanium alloy," remarked Lucretzia, watching the scrapes from inside
the house.
"How do you know it's Gundanium and Titanium alloy?" Hilde inquired, seating
comfortably onto the sofa.
"I dunno. It's just something I've met before. Maybe in a dream or something," she
replied, flopping onto the sofa next to her friend.
"You can sleep in the same room as me. We don't really have that many rooms but we
have enough beds and blankets."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I mean you are my guest."