Of Gangs and Royals
by Duo Misfit

She shakes her head at them as they walk out of the kitchen, and then goes about making some coffee for herself. The sounds of someone tripping down the stairs catches her attention and she turns just as Heero Yue falls into the kitchen, grumbling "God damn children and their bloody toys." At that she smiles.

"Morning Zero, coffee?" she asks while stepping over him as he lay prone on the floor.

"Yea sounds good" he says while getting up.

"Got work today, right?" she asks ideally.

"Yup, Bane wants to come with me, is that ok?" he asks, just as Bane walks into the room, a little girl all of three and a half feet, with short brown hair and big green eyes. Bane smiles at them and goes to a cupboard and pulls out a box of cereal and goes to the table and sits down as Zero walks over to her with a bowl and a spoon in one hand and a milk jug in the other.

She smiles at this 'Zero is supposed to be an emotionless individual and here he is with a five year old playing father to her.' "Sure Zero, she can go with you as long as u teach her something while she's with you ok?"

Zero smiles at this and nods yes, "affirmative Luca." He sits down next to Bane and pulls his laptop out of his backpack that was lying on the table, and starts to type something franticly, as Trowa walks into the room, he walks to the coffee maker and pores himself some coffee and puts the pot back and walks over to the table and sits down across from Zero without saying anything. Luca walks over to the coffee maker and pores two cups and walks over the cold concrete floor and hands one to Zero who smiles his thanks.

"Morning Trowa" Luca says as she plops down on the chair next to him.

"Morning Luca, sleep well?" he asks.

She looks at him kind of surprised that he asked, "Uh. yea it was fine." She replies.

"Good I was worried that you were actually screaming for a reason last night." He tells her, sips his coffee and looks at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope just me screamin for the fun of it," she tells him. Trowa sighs and shakes his head, she looks at him "So Tro are you still in training for that guard job?" she asks trying to make it seem she's not really interested. "Yes I am . why?" he looks suspicious. "Just wondering cause I need to know when your available to watch the kids and all." She replies rather smoothly. Trowa nods slowly, still suspicious. He looks at the clock on the wall, "well I better get going, can't be late" he says getting up and finishing off his coffee. "Later days" he says going out the door.

After a few minutes Luca stands up, gaining the attention of Zero and Bane, she smiles and says "Well I'm off tell Poe and Chang they gotta stay here today have fun guys" as she walks past them on the way out the door.

Zero mutters "that was odd" and goes back to typing, and Bane goes back to eating.


Luca walks through the warehouse, that they call home and looks at all the prone little bodies of the kids all huddled next to each other, and she smiles. She walks out of the warehouse and onto the street into the bright early morning sun and looks around for Trowa, seeing him turn a corner at the end of the block she starts to follow him.


Half an hour later Trowa walks to the guard tower out side the palace and flashes a pass and the door opens and lets him in, Luca not one to give up turns around and goes down a alleyway and looks up at the wall, calculating it, then backs up a little and runs a few feet and jumps up on to the wall, climbs up on it and perches in a nearby tree and watches as Trowa talks to a man that looks vaguely framiler. She sighs 'I can't hear them.' But has no intention of trying to get closer to him.

Foot falls sound not far away, she remains still and slows her breathing so she won't get caught. She hears talking but it's to far away to tell what there saying, but it's getting closer.

"I'm just saying Quatre you should tell him." a girl spoke.

"I can't! ." he sighs, "listen Lena you don't what it's like. I can't just walk over to him and say 'hey I think your cute wanna go out sometime'. no I can't do that. I mean I don't even know if he is gay or not." 'Quatre' says.

Luca from her perch just above them listened to their conversation, 'this could be interesting' she thinks.

'Lena' sighs, "Well at least point this 'oh-so-hot' guy out to me!" she says with a smile.

'Quatre' smiles and points "see that guy with brown hair over there talking to the captain" he pauses for her to say something.

"Yea. that's him! Wow. even from here I can tell he's a hottie.. Quatre you got a good eye!" she laughs a little.

'Oh my god! He likes Trowa. well . more like he thinks he's cute. but still!' Luca thinks her eyes wide.

Then the branch decides it's going to give way, the branch breaks and Luca falls landing right in front of 'Lena' and 'Quatre'. And 'Quatre' looks absolutely terrified and 'Lena' just looks shocked. I sit up and push the branch off me and I try to get up, but I fall back down, then 'Lena' and 'Quatre' snap out of it and help me to my feet, both looking rather shocked, but 'Quatre spoke first. "How long were you there for!" his voice sounding panicked.

"Uh. let me see.hn. since 'I'm just saying you should tell him'" I reply honestly, his eyes go wide.

The sound of someone running catches my attention and I see Trowa running over, I sigh and think 'damn caught'.

He stops running and is standing right in front of me, looking pissed off and he nearly shouts "are you trying to get me fired!"

"No I'm just here because everyone is worried that you'll slip up, only now I'm starting to think that's ridiculous 'cause you hardly ever talk anyway." I reply as calm as always.

He sighs shaking his head and turns and looks over his shoulder, "look Luca your gonna get arrested cause well this is the palace and all . for god sakes Luca they'll probably say you were trying to kill the royal family or something!" Trowa was freaking out.

I walk over to Quatre and put an arm around his shoulders and say "Relax Trowa as far as there concerned I'm Quatre's friend and I climbed the tree on a dare and it gave under my weight, that's all. ok?"

"What makes you think that he'll play along" Trowa says rather coldly while giving Quatre a once over.

"Have a little faith in people Trowa" I say.

Just as the captain and a few guards come running over. The captain looks at me with my arm around Quatre and Trowa just standing there not making a move to arrest me, the Captain barks "Barton why haven't you arrested her yet!" Trowa turns and replies in his monotone voice that he uses to people he's not close with "Quatre here stopped me, saying that she was his friend." The Captain not entirely believing him said "then why is that branch broken?" and looks at Trowa waiting for an answer and just as he opened his mouth Quatre who had remained quiet spoke up.

"I dared her to climb the tree, only. the branch broke under her weight." he gives a chuckle and continues "not as light as you used to be huh Luca."

I grin, 'I can't believe he's playing along. maybe the rich aren't so bad after all', "Oh be quiet I didn't see you climbing that tree" I replied and gave him a little shove and we both laugh, making all the guards think that we're old friends, even the captain.

The Captain just nods once and walks off, me still thinking that he looks framiler, all the guards following except Trowa he just stands there with an impressed look on his face he nods at Quatre and looks at me "Your going home now right?" he asks.

"Uh. not yet I wanna talk to Quatre, but no worries Tro I'm not gonna watch you anymore. makes me feel like a stocker." I reply, he just nods and walks away.

I turn to Quatre and give him a once over and then do the same to the girl then I speak "I'm impressed kid. you stood up for me . and that takes guts." I nod my head a little and he suddenly speaks up "Please, please, don't tell him!" he begs.

I looked a little confused for a second "About what? . Oh! The 'you liking him thing!' no worries Cat if u don't want me to say anything then I won't but I will say this," I pause, "that I think you'd be really good for him." and he looks shocked.

"You.you mean that he's. uh. he's gay?" he asks very timidly, which I think is cute.

"Yea Cat he's gay. and single to boot!" I laugh a little at him; he just blushes at the 'single' part. "So Cat you want me to hook you two up?" I ask. He blushes even more his entire face now red "uh. n. no it's ok I .uh." he stuttered out and just stopped talking and stares at the ground.

"Ok Cat but you ever change your mind just tell me ok?" I tell him.

"Uh. sure but I don't know who you are. and why are you calling me Cat?" he replies.

"I didn't introduce myself did I? hn. must be loosing my touch. well I'm Luca Noin and I'm calling you Cat cause everyone I know has a nick name that I give them and yours is Cat" I say rather proudly. "Well kids I better go got lots of things to do!" as I turn I look back and wave "later days kids." And I walk off but I hear Cat yell "wait!" and I stop and look at him eyebrows raised and wait for him to say something, "do. do you wanna hang out for a bit . 'cause Lena has to go soon and I have nothing else to do?" he looks hopeful.

"If you don't mind watching some kids and walking around the city 'bout four times, your welcome to come" I smile at him.

He nods at Lena and runs to catch up to me "I don't mind at all" he smiles and we walk off together.

