Eyes of Life
by Diamondflame

Chapter 9:

Ok, here's the next chapter. C'mon, review? Pwwwweeeaaazzzeee?? I mean, I know fanfiction was stuffing up so that no reviews could get through before, but that was AGES ago. So ok, I understood if there were no reviews for the last two chapters, coz they were posted up the day before ffn stuffed. But this chapter isn't. sooooo… how 'bout a review? Please? They're good for getting me up to write the next chapter if that's what you want! ^_~


'Ummm… Relena? I think your brother's looking for us. I just heard him calling for you.'

'What? Oh-' Relena jumped up to take a better look around. 'I can't see him anywhere, Noin, you sure you heard him?'

'…Yeah…' Noin blinked groggily as a slight wave of nausea hit her and looked around for him herself. A nagging pain in her ankle distracted her. Inspecting it, she winced. She must have banged it on the ground when she fell- by the way it felt, the side of her foot was going to be one large bruise later on.

Relena came and sat down next to her again, glancing at her in concern. 'Noin, are you sure you heard him? I mean, I didn't hear anything and I should have if you heard him clearly enough to tell what he was yelling.'


'Maybe you bumped your head on the ground or something when you fell. You sure you didn't hurt yourself back there? It looked like a pretty big fall to me, and you look sorta dizzy, and your ankle looks kinda sore too.'

'I'm fine- just my foot that's hurt. Your brother; he's not yelling'

'What? Oh- him. Don't worry, if they're really out looking for us, then they'll find us sooner or later.'

Noin could tell that Relena wasn't listening to anything she was saying. 'Yeah, I guess you're right. I hope they manage to find us soon though- I am getting kinda hungry…'

'Me too…' Relena replied, 'I guess all we can do is sit here and wait for them to find us.' Though who knows how long that will take. She thought to herself.

Noin sighed. She was more than a little hungry. It was time to take matters into her own hands to get them out of there.

… Let's see. I wonder how they talk to each other like that. Hmmm… how do I get his attention? I know I heard him call out for Relena back there. I wonder why Relena didn't hear him? Doesn't matter. Those two seem to just… talk- yeah, talk to each other when they do that. Maybe it'll work if I just… I don't know, think as loudly as I can?

Noin smiled wryly to herself. The idea seemed ridiculous even in thought. Shrugging slightly to herself, she turned her attention inward. It was worth a try.

'Ummmm… hello? We're over here…'

Well. Noin thought to herself. That didn't work too well.

She had realised as soon as she had started… calling. It had felt different to what she previously perceived whenever she had heard the two converse. There had always been a sort of tension, power that she could sense when they spoke like that. Yet, there had been, well, nothing when she had just tried. No tension in the air, no power, nothing.

Noin blew out a breath in exasperation. She had to do something- she hated feeling so… so helpless and reliant on the fact that all they had to do was sit there until someone found them. Reaching up to push her hair out of her face, her fingers brushed against the chain around her neck again and she felt something change in the air around them.

'Relena, will you please snap out of this tantrum of yours and just answer me?!'

Noin's eyes widened in shock as she brought her hand down. Frowning, she cocked her head to one side as she tried listening for him again. Nothing.

Noin looked down in surprise as she heard her stomach rumble. Ok. Now she really was hungry.

The frown returning to her face, she thought back on what had just happened. How it had happened.

Surely it couldn’t have been… Noin thought impossibly as she shook her head at the idea. It couldn't have been… not… not this? She thought to herself as she lifted a hand slowly to touch the necklace around her neck.

'-This is so annoying. When I find that girl- Relena, where ARE you?! Just answer me, ok? Look, I'm sorry-'

Noin took a sharp breath as she snatched her hand back. She heard Milliardo- Prince Milliardo's voice. Her ability to hear what Relena and her brother said through their apparent link was through her necklace?

Man… this is too weird she thought incredulously. Still… she was hungry. And there was hardly any point in just sitting there waiting for him to find them when… well, I guess its worth a try.

Breathing deeply to calm herself, she counted slowly to ten before opening her eyes and slowly reaching up to touch the necklace. It was there. The sense of power, tension, whatever it was, she could feel it. Strange how she had never noticed it before now…

Groping, she sent out a thought to the prince.

'We- we're over here.'

'Finally! Ok- hold on, I'll be there soon.'

Noin let go of the chain slowly, breathing a sigh of relief. Evidently, Milliardo had thought she was Relena. Well then, so much the better. She wasn't ready to share the knowledge of this newfound power, not yet, not even to Relena.

'Relena?' Noin asked softly. The other girl looked wretchedly miserable.

'Noin, I'm so sorry I got us lost like this, I guess its sorta ruined the entire day, huh?'

'Don't worry about it. I bet someone will find us soon' Noin said lightly, trying to cheer her up. 'It'll probably be your brother.' She added on in a joking tone of voice, glancing around to see if he had arrived yet.

'Urgghh… and have him remind me that mother suggest him come with us in the first place? No thanks.'

'Well, lets get up to take a look around to see if anybody's nearby yet, ok?' Noin suggested, clambering to her feet and holding out a hand to help the younger girl up.

'Thanks' Relena said as she was pulled up. Stretching, she looked around.

'Relena! Mother was so worried that she made me come out in the middle of lunch to come look for you two!' Milliardo's voice cut reprovingly through the air from behind.

Relena turned around to face her brother with a mischievous grin on her face. Hmmm… she thought as a thought crossed her mind. You two? Well well well. So he isn't ignoring Noin like he does all the other girls who come and stay like Dorothy and Hilde as much as I thought. Interesting… She quickly wiped the look from her face as she saw him glance suspiciously at her.

'We got lost, then Noin hurt her foot, so we decided to stay here to wait for somebody to find us.' Relena caught the quick glance he took towards Noin when she mentioned her friend's ankle.


Author's Note: Ok, that's the end of that chapter. I'm meant to be doing an assignment- due tomorrow, right now. Hmmm… and I haven't even started yet. This is gonna take me forever. You guys had better be grateful for this chapter- yeah, I know, I'm dragging this out over an awfully long time. Well… it gives me something to do. Now- go review and tell me what you think. I love to know what people think of how this story is progressing. ^_~

Disclaimer: Nope, me no own Gundam Wing or any of its characters