The Dragon’s Flame
By The Fablespinner


Disclaimer: The characters in this yarn sadly do not belong to me. I wish they did but they belong in total to Sotsu/Sunrise and Bandai entertainment. I am only borrowing their colorful personalities for the sake of this story. I promise to return them, only slightly rumpled when I'm finished with them so the next writer can use them as their muse.

AC 200

Wufei stalked his office, ranting at Lady Une's image on his vidphone. "What do you mean she hasn't checked in yet! She could do that kind of surveillance in her sleep! I suggest you check your connections Onna! Sally does not make foolish mistakes. Check again." Wufei said pressing the end transmission button on his phone and sinking into his chair. His black, dark eyes, clouding in suppressed worry. "I'll kill you myself Onna, if you make me worry for nothing." He said as he rested his chin on interlaced and shaking fingers. Admitting worry to himself was one thing. Ever admitting it to her was something else entirely. He wasn't even sure he liked her all that much. So what was this sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach? He ignored it, snorting, he stood and began pacing once more.

Back in Une's office Noin raised her eyebrows. "Did he just off handedly complement a woman?" Noin asked and Une, frowned. "Yes, I think he did. But he's right Sally does not make stupid mistakes. I'll check again. Then I'll reprimand him, AGAIN, for talking to a superior officer that way." Une said and from his seat Zechs chuckled. "Like a reprimand ever did any good. Let's face it. Wufei is Wufei. He will always do things his way or not at all. I'm just grateful he's watching our backs." Zechs said standing. Une nodded "Let's be thankful, Sally gets the brunt of his attitude and can handle it." Noin added getting up to join her husband. "I'll check the communications tower myself." Zechs said as both he and Noin left Lady Une's office. "Please be a glitch in the transmitter." Une said to the sky as she looked out her office window, worried about Sally.

Sally hunkered down behind a stand of evergreens and through her infrared binoculars scanned the enemy compound. 'No wonder my radio didn't work' she thought to herself as she spied the satellite dish atop one of the buildings. It was effectively jamming all free frequency signals. Sally made mental note of all the weapons cache stockpiles, and ammunition dumps. Even the Aries and Leo suit salvage yard was impressive. These people were clever, and packing heavy arsenals. The rumors were true, some of the former OZ soldiers and White Fang leaders, unhappy with the new World Nation, and Vice Foreign Minister Relena Dorlian's ideas for a global ratification of complete destruction of former Military bases, had decided to cause a little protest. But a protest of destruction, and as a Preventer Sally was not going to allow this to happen. The only trouble was, she could not make her report, and moreover, could not get back-up. "Wufei, damn it. Where are you when I need you?" Sally hissed shoving her binoculars back in her case. That's when she heard the twig snap, moments later, her world spun into darkness as something hard and unyielding made a terrible cracking noise against her head.

Wufei sat up in bed, a cold clammy sweat had broken out all over his body. He swung his legs over the edge of his bed, and ran his hands through his long, silky black hair. He stood, his muscular and triangular build gracefully strode to the window where he thrust it open for air. The form of a troubled young man gazed up at the moon. No longer a boy of fifteen, but a handsome young man stood illuminated by moonlight. It's full light reflecting in pools of silver against his near black eyes. He shook as the dream replayed itself in wakeful state. And he shook, not from cold, but from fear. He had been surrounded by clouds and the ancestral Dragon had appeared before him. "Little Dragon of my Clan. Where is your fire?" It had asked and Wufei humbly bowed before the Dragon. "Here my Master." He had said, placing his torch into the pyre before the beast. The Dragon shook his head. "No Foolish man. This is not your flame. Seek the source of your fire, it grows dim. You must kindle it or you will be the Last of my Clan." The dragon said before vanishing. Wufei had awakened from his dream and now stood pondering what it had meant as he looked to the celestial stars of his forefathers for answers.

Sally's head was pounding and the lump on her cheekbone was so swollen she couldn't see out of her right eye. In short, she felt, like Dragon dung. Her lips were dry and cracked and from them escaped a groan as she sat up. "Where in the World am I?" She asked as her cold muscles cramped from lying on a stone floor. She heard the scuttling of rats behind the walls. "Great. I've been captured." she hissed in annoyance. Most women would have broken down into hysterical weeping, not Sally. She was just pissed at herself for being careless. "I will never hear the end of this from HIM! I do not need this crap! He's hard enough to work with as it is!" Sally hollered at the walls. She had no answer. She then began to search her cell for clues and possible escape.

That's when he came into the room, and for the first time in many years, Sally remembered what true fear was. She'd thought she'd escaped this man in her youth, seeing him again froze her in utter terror. "First your Mother dishonored us by whelping you." He spat at Sally's feet and sneered. "Then you continue to dishonor us woman. Like mother like daughter. You never did learn your place. Show me your respect!" He ordered pointing to the floor before him. Sally couldn't move. This was a nightmare, this was not happening. "I said show me respect. Know your Place." He said again and Sally's inner voice hissed like a cat and recoiled from the orders. But her body, remembering a far worse fate if she disobeyed, groveled on her knees before him. Her soul splintering in agony.

"Father, I never meant..." Sally began and Chen Po spat on her again. "Silence! I have no daughter. I have a disobedient woman before me, who will know my displeasure." Chen said backhanding Sally so hard across the face she crashed back into the wall with the force of it. "First you join the Alliance against my wishes! Then I hear you are a rebel! Now this, this! Spying on your own father! You pitiful excuse for human flesh! How I ever sired such an appalling and ugly child I will never know." Chen said yanking Sally's blonde braids. "An Abomination from birth! I am sickened by the impurities in you. Had I known your mother's blood had been diluted I would have never married her. Good riddance to bad rubbish." He said and Sally hugged her knees and tried to block out the man before her.

For her entire life, he had belittled her, despised her, called her horrible cruel names, and had beaten her. Her and her mother. When XiuXiu had died, Sally had been barely ten years old. She then became the servant and cook. Enduring all of her father's hatred and scorn. Until she had turned thirteen and had run away never to look back. She'd enlisted in the Alliance, lying about her age. And had excelled in her studies. By the Age of nineteen, she had buried her demons, and was a skilled vascular surgeon. Then the War effort had shifted and Sally's soldiering skills, and battle scared reflexes from her childhood made her a strong ally for the Gundam's. She had become what her Mother had always wanted for her. Free and accepted for who she was. Knowing her father, had helped her understand Wufei. The same traditional upbringing had made Wufei dismiss her. But she saw hope in Wufei. A flicker of light behind his eyes, she saw the good man he was on the inside. She helped him to see beyond the exterior in people, or at least she tried. Even her patience with him grew thin now and again. They fought constantly, but it never came to blows. Not the way her father treated her. She knew one thing, even driven to the point of madness, Wufei would never strike anyone in anger. Man or Woman alike. If and when he fought, he fought for justice and integrity. Never for self gain or purpose. For that one quality alone, Sally loved him. And at this particular point in time. Wished with all her soul he were here. He'd lend her the courage she needed to face her father. All she had now was her inner voice. Her body and will betrayed her, and all she could do was whimper in the corner as her cell was locked once more. The darkness of her confines, emphasizing the shroud of self doubt that clung to her being and refused to let go.

Wufei stormed out of his office and into Lady Une's. He threw a stack of papers at her. "There are my reports. It's been 72 hours. I am going to solve this myself now. I am tired of waiting for your incompetents to achieve anything tangible!" Wufei snarled and turned to leave. "Wufei, I don't think you realize that.." Une began to speak and Wufei cut her off. "Do not give me excuses or prattle. For every moment we spend waiting for your flunkies to attain information, is another moment Sally may be in danger. I for one am tired of waiting for those imbeciles to remove their thumbs from their asses! I am going, and if you try to stop me. I will Quit right here right now." He said and Une nodded once. "So be it. You have permission to go retrieve Sally." Une said and Wufei snorted. "I was not asking your permission Onna." He said bluntly before turning and storming out of her office.

He practically ran for his jeep. His inside's wound up so tightly in distress, he hadn't been able to sleep or eat since she disappeared. The thought of her in danger, mortified him to the bone. The even more sinister thoughts of what happened to women POW's just made things worse. He felt cold, mind numbingly, lost in deep space cold. That's when he understood what his dream had meant. He only burned when he had Sally. Sally was his flame, the one who kindled his fire and passion. He knew with unwavering certainty, he was in love with Sally Po and he was going to make damn sure he got her back home. Perversely, he was annoyed at her simultaneously, for twisting his guts in such a manner. "I will show that Onna not to play with my emotions." He said as he sped down the road to the airport.

Sally lost track of the hours as she lay in the darkness. Only the dryness of her mouth and the hunger pangs in her belly reminding her she still lived and this was no dream. She sat huddled in the corner, shivering and cursing alternately. One for allowing her father to reduce her to a puddle of useless drivel, and two for getting captured in the first place. "Damn it Sally. Get a grip on yourself. You're not thirteen anymore. What would Wufei think if he saw you now." She hissed picking at the crumbling plaster on the walls. She sighed and closed her eyes as her thoughts drifted onto the image of her self righteous partner. Even through all the ranting and preaching about justice and about the inferiority of women, she adored Wufei. Beneath the gruff and haughty exterior, Wufei had a heart of gold. She had seen him for the person he was right away. When she had met a disturbed and troubled young warrior. Licking his wounds from a prior defeat. He hated his strength, it was not that he hated weak people, he hated having the power to destroy them. It was the temptation to exploit his power that had always troubled Wufei.

She smiled despite her surroundings. Lately her regard for Wufei had taken on a stronger appeal. It seemed to hit her like a brick one day out of the blue. She had a report to discuss with him and had found him practicing his Tai chi in the gym. she had stood in awe as she watched his fluid grace dancing slowly around the gym. He had removed his shirt and a light sheen of sweat had just seemed to make him glow. She had to check herself from drooling. When he had turned from a boy to a man, she didn't know, but it was painfully obvious by her body's instant reaction, she'd never not notice a change in him again. As she drifted to sleep, her mind focused on his face and the wonderful warm feeling of contentment she felt whenever she gazed upon him.

The mists swirled around her as she walked along a cobbled path. She stopped at the stairs leading up to a glorious gilded temple. From within the scent of burning incense tickled her nose and a voice that caressed her ears like a warm summer breeze beckoned her from within. "Sai Lien Po. Come inside daughter." the voice called and Sally shuddered at the use of her real name. No one called her that anymore. That was the name of the frightened little girl she had been. The girl she was ashamed of, Sally was the strong, valiant persona. The one who fought against the pain and sheltered Sai Lien from those who would torment and belittle her.

The voice was insistent "Sai Lien, come here daughter." It called again and Sally squared her shoulders and climbed the stairs and entered the temple. The smoke from the incense burners solidified and took on the shape of a Dragon. The voice reverberated through her entire body as the spectral dragon spoke. "You are running from one who would help you." It said and Sally shifted uneasily on her feet. "I don't need help. I rely on myself and no one else. It is up to me to help others." She said and the dragon seemed to almost laugh at her. "You are walking a lonely path daughter. You have come a long way and you hold a strength of character few possess, yet you let no one past the outer shell you wear. Being a woman is nothing to be ashamed of." The dragon told her and Sally crossed her arms defiantly. "I am not ashamed of who I am." She said and the Dragon faced her and took on the form of Wufei. "Then why does this image disturb you so? It is because he makes you feel?" The dragon's voice issued forth from Wufei's lips. Sally shivered as the dragon wearing Wufei's form drew closer. "I am not Weak, I am not ashamed. Stop tormenting me!" She said and the image of Wufei wrapped his arms around her and leveling her eyes with his penetrating black gaze. "Turn this heat you feel into fire. He will feed off it, be the dragon's flame. You are both warriors, worthy of my clan. Do not deny the truth and you will find a strength that eludes you. No power is stronger than the love between a man and a woman." The dragon said as the form of Wufei once again turned to smoke.

Sally bolted awake and felt the tears on her cheeks. Her hands shook as she wiped her cheeks free of tears. "I will not open myself up to rejection. It hurts too much." She said just as the cell door opened and the silhouette of her father stood there against the light that blinded her. "Whimpering like the detestable female you are. Sai Lien, come here." He said and Sally stood but did not walk to him. "Sai Lien is dead. My name is Sally and I will not take orders from you." She said folding her arms across her chest, even as her insides rebelled her traitorous actions. Her mind screaming for her to submit and avoid the pain that was sure to strike. In what seemed like a deadly graceful dance, her Father crossed the floor and in once blow sent her headlong into the far wall. she crumpled into a heap on the floor. "Do not attempt to grow a backbone Sai Lien. I want answers and you will tell me." He said and Sally looked up, fire dancing in her eyes. "I'll tell you jack shit you son of a bitch." She said and once again she received a blow that made her see stars dance in front of her eyes. "Viper! That hiss will be quelled if I have to cut that tongue out of your head." He said grabbing Sally by the hair and forcing her eyes to meet his. Sally refused to flinch, she bit her lips against the pain as his grip stretched her scalp. "You will get nothing from me. I don't betray my allies and my friends. Not like you betrayed Mother and I with every blow you leveled against us. Your own flesh and blood." Sally said spitting at him in the face. She realized once she'd done that she'd made a huge mistake. The last thing she remembered was his fist connecting with her face, then darkness. In the back of her mind she heard a voice. "Sally, don't break, I am coming. Stay strong." Wufei's voice left as swiftly as it had come, but it was his voice. Her heart knew he was near and soon she'd have his wonderful strength to lend her support.

Wufei paced the walkway of the aircraft. His inner senses on edge. Every hair on the back of his next was raised and alert. He could feel in his bones something was dreadfully amiss. He'd had another dream. In this one he had seen a man, a man he recognized and loathed. Chen Po, Sally's father. The man was perhaps the most dishonorable creature Wufei had ever had the displeasure to meet. That was well before he knew Sally was his daughter. Master Long, the leader of the Dragon clan before the colony had been destroyed had met with the man in Wufei's presence. Wufei remembered the feelings of disgust that had welled up within him as Master Long refused the offer to join Chen's militia as paid mercenary's fighting for profit and not honor. He also remembered Master Long's other reasons for declining. He could hear Master Long's voice plainly, the condemnation ringing in his memory. "Any man who would strike his wife and children in anger is not a man I care to associate with." Long had said dismissing Chen Po. Wufei had never seen the man again. It was years later Wufei had been told that Chen Po was Sally's father. Knowing that she had endured abuse as a child disturbed him. It explained a lot about why she chose to hide her femininity like a hideous deformity.

In his dreams he saw her suffering that abuse again, but as she was now. He saw her defying him and receiving blow after blow. He had called out to her in his dream. Telling her to stay strong in the face of evil. Not to let him break her spirit. That he was coming, and once he did arrive, he would throttle Chen Po within an inch of his life for daring to lay a finger to Sally in such a manner. Wufei had awakened and now paced nervously up and down the shuttle's path between the seats. "It was just a dream, just a dream." he kept muttering to himself. trying to convince his heart to stop beating so fast, and wiping the sweat of worry from his palms. "Hang on Sally. I'm coming." He said finally collapsing into his seat and picking up a flight magazine. Which he systematically began to shred into a thousand bits and pieces that pooled around his feet.

Sally could taste the bile and dried blood on her cracked and dry lips. The pain in her head beyond all measure. "My kingdom for an aspirin." She groaned trying to shift into a comfortable position on the cold stone floor. He stomach churning in hunger and her parched mouth begging for water. She ignored her hunger and thirst in favor of trying to dissipate the other pains she was suffering. While she was alone, she could let her mind drift to happier images. The Doctor in her knew she was slowly starving to death, a person could go no more than a week without food or water before they began depleting fat stores, and once those were gone, you died. The soldier and survivalist in her grasped at the last vestiges of hope. she knew somewhere out there was Wufei. She knew he was out there and that he would find her. Once again, her lips curved into a sarcastic smile. "Only I could love that idiot." She sighed and chuckled softly. "I never saw that one coming." She added as she turned onto her side and let the weary haze pull her back into a fitful slumber.

Wufei stalked the compound, flitting from shadow to shadow. Like a phantom of darkness, he looked for any clue that would lead him to Sally. She was here, he knew she was here somewhere. His face twisted into a mask of pure hatred when he saw the man he recognized as Chen Po enter the room. Wufei's heart constricted painfully in his chest. 'If you even thought about it. You're a dead man' Wufei thought, remembering the dream he'd had on the shuttle. Wufei crept closer, opening his ears to eavesdrop on the conversation. "Has she spoken?" Chen asked. "Just mumbling to herself Master Po." The soldier replied, looking distressed slightly. "It's been five days sir. Can't we give her at least some water. she's looking awfully pale." He added and Chen fixed him with a glare that made even Wufei shudder. And he was used to those kind of looks from the master of Death glares. "Water should never be wasted on thing so impure. Let her whiter like the weed in the rose garden she is." Chen said and Wufei balled his hands into fists. His nails cutting into his palms and drawing blood as Wufei resisted the urge to leap onto Chen and destroy him instantly. His heart racing with fear, in all this time they had neither fed nor watered her. The state she must be in tore the breath from Wufei's lungs. "I'm here Sally." He whispered and he followed the soldier as Chen disappeared.

Once the soldier was alone Wufei struck like a coiled cobra. He had him subdued and backed against a wall. "Where are you keeping the woman?" Wufei asked, His black eyes fixed on the soldier in his grasp. "I'll take you to her." The soldier said, the look in his eyes showing he pitied Sally. "For this act of kindness, I will let you live." Wufei said as they stopped in front of Sally's cubicle cell. Then with a swift strike to the neck, the soldier crumpled unconscious, but alive, to the floor.

Wufei opened the cell and watched Sally curl up into a ball onto the floor. She was asleep, but her reflexes still served to protect her. She looked awful. Her honey colored hair was filthy and matted, her eyes were blackened and swollen practically shut. The rest of her skin that was not black and blue, dirty, or a sickly pre bruise yellow, was almost translucent it was so pale. She'd lost at least ten pounds if not much more. Wufei choked on the bile that flooded his throat as he went to his knees and pulled her into his arms. "You had to come on this mission by yourself. You headstrong, obstinate woman. How dare you make me worry so over you." He said in near tears. Sally's eyes fluttered open and even in her poor condition, was able to give him one of her amused grins. "I love you too." She said, her voice gravel coated and weak, but still managing to drip with playful sarcasm. Wufei returned her smile and pressed his forehead against hers. His loose hair falling around her to frame their faces. "Save your play Onna. We are not out yet. I need you to be strong Sally. I know you can be. Lean on me." he said helping her to rise.

On shaky weak knees she felt Wufei drape one of her arms around his neck, the other held her firmly around the waist. "One foot in front of the other Sally. Let's go." He said and Sally snorted. "I may be tired Wufei. But I think I can remember how to walk." She said and Wufei frowned at her. "Minx, save your strength, we can fight later, lower your hackles Onna." Wufei said squeezing her more firmly to him. "I have quite a few words for you myself." He added and Sally grimace. "I hope one of those phrases complements my new figure." She mused as they stumbled as fast as they could go down the dimly lit passageways. "Always with the sick jokes! Onna you drive me to distraction!" He hissed and Sally fed of him, gaining strength. "Well, at least I know I have some effect on you." She said and Wufei halted, turned and planted his lips carefully upon hers. "You have a multitude of effects on me Onna. Now cease with your infernal prattle. We can argue later." He said and for once, Sally was at a loss for words.

It was then a figure stepped from the shadows and Wufei turned and sparks of anger flew from his eyes. Directed towards the man in front of him. "Why, if it isn't Chang Wufei. What an honor to greet you again." Chen said sarcastically. Wufei Bristled. "A shame I cannot say the Po Chen." He snarled back and Sally's eyes went wide. She had no idea Wufei knew her father. "Master Long was a fool, will you join the fight young Master Chang?" Chen asked as he and Wufei began to walk in circles around each other. "I never work with dishonorable men. My master was right about you. I know of your crimes, and I take them personally." Wufei said itching to put aside the banter and squeeze the man's throat until he ceased to breathe. "Why, whatever have I done to you Master Chang?" Chen asked and Wufei's eyes narrowed, Sally was taken aback by the look of tyrannical hatred in Wufei's eyes. She had never seen him so deadly serious in all her life. "For every injury you visited upon my Woman, you will receive back ten fold." Wufei hissed and Sally's heart leapt into her throat and her knees gave out and she slid down the wall in shock. Her love for Wufei warring with her detest of the scene unfolding before her eyes.

Chen looked to Sally then back to Wufei. "She is filth! Don't soil the Dragon clan with such waste. You are the Last Master Chang. She is not worth such disgrace to your ancestral tree." Chen said, stabbing Sally in the heart and infuriating Wufei further. "I am not the Last. I am the first of the new Clan." Wufei said striking and pinning Chen against the Wall. "You sicken me! Even if I did not Love her as I do, I would still punish you. She is your daughter! How could you do such things?!" Wufei demanded. It was Sally's cry that answered. "Wufei! Don't. Please, he's not worth it. Forget him!" Sally strangled out and Wufei's heart clutched at the depth of her heart and kindness. Kindness to a man so unworthy of her forgiveness. "Sai Lien you will silence yourself!" Chen shouted and Wufei's eyes widened at the use of her name. Never knowing Sally was not her given name. "No." she said standing, facing her demon in the eyes. Chen lunged for her, she stumbled and fell, knocked her head against the wall. Wufei intercepted before Chen could strike Sally and began to level blow after blow upon the detestable man. Wufei's anger welling up within him. Every blow, every kick, was struck in Sally's name. this man would never hurt her again.

Once Chen's knees gave way Wufei grabbed him by the collar and pulled his face close. Lip curled Wufei growled at him. "I will not kill you. To do so would hurt her. But know this. I will not hesitate next time if I ever hear your voice again. If you step near her again, I will kill you. If you utter her name in public and I hear of it, I will kill you. Is that understood?" Wufei hissed and Chen eyes narrowed. "This is not over Chang Wufei. You'll not make it out of this base alive." Chen said and Wufei clipped his neck and Chen crumpled unconscious. "Yes, we will." Wufei said picking up Sally's body. "I didn't come here to fail in my mission. I will not fail her again." He said as he disappeared into the shadows of the base.

Wufei frowned and Sally and threw his hands up in the air. "Onna! Why is it Doctor's make the worst patients? Eat this." Wufei said shoving the spoonful of broth under nose again. "No! I can feed myself." She said and Wufei frowned "No you cannot. Your fingers are too week, you can't see because of the swelling, and I will not have you dripping broth down your front adding scalding to the list of your injuries. Swallow your pride Onna and let me help you!" He said forcing the spoon into her mouth. She swallowed bother her pride and the soup in one gulp. "Bastard." she hissed and Wufei smiled. "Stubborn Onna." He retorted, refilling the spoon. "Thank you." She said with a resigned sigh as she finished the broth. Wufei just set the bowl down on the nightstand of the hotel room and from his perch on the edge of the bed, tucked her hair behind her ears. "You're welcome." he said as he leaned in a kissed her tenderly. "Now I will run you a bath." He said standing and Sally moaned. "I can't stand, I won't be able to bathe myself Wufei." She said, annoyed. "I know that. I will bathe you." He said matter of factly and Sally's voice rose incredulously. "You most certainly WILL NOT!" she said and Wufei smiled and turned on the taps. "Yes, I will. It will do you good, and you need it." He said pulling down the towels and getting them ready for afterward. Sally repeated herself "Wufei, you are not going to wash me." She said and Wufei grinned and stripped off his shirt. "Yes, I am. Don't be so foolish Onna." Wufei said setting the small bottles of shampoo on the edge of the filling tub.

He walked and pulled back the blankets and went to remove Sally's unsalvageable uniform. She tried in vain to slap his hands away. He caught both her hands in his and kissed her again. "Sally, please. Don't fight me. I love you, let me help you." He said, the tenderness in his eyes melting her heart. "You love me?" She asked not believing her ears. He smiled at her and pulled her gently into his arms. "Yes Sally. I love you, and I will always love you. You are stubborn, and headstrong, and I love you for it. You are my flame Sally. You are the fire in my soul, I cannot and will not lose you. So please Onna, cease this struggle." He said. and Sally laughed, "I thought you said you liked the fact I was headstrong and stubborn." She said and Wufei snorted. "I like it when I am a spectator, not the target." He said but smiled. He did rather like being her target, but he wasn't going to tell her that. She knew better. "Liar." She said and Wufei frowned. She brought her hand up to his cheek and sighed. "I love you too." She said and Wufei's heart pounded. It was the first time she'd said it. It felt amazingly good to hear.

She did not struggle this time as he divested her of her garments, she was painfully thin, and it crushed him to see her ribs. He carried her to the bathroom and set her in the water. He then stripped himself, laughing as Sally's eyes went wide with shock as her cheeks suddenly flushed. He crawled into the tub behind her and supported her against his chest.

He pooled water over her hair and limbs, taking delicate care of her sore muscles and bruises. Wufei's anger returning as he got a good look at all the pain she'd endured. He wished he could wash them away as well as he applied the soap to her gently. "I wish I could turn back time and prevent this." He said and Sally just turned slightly and nuzzled up under his chin. He instinctively wrapped his arms about her, and relished the feeling of her in his embrace. This was right, she belonged there. "What's done is done. Let's not talk about it please." She asked and Wufei nodded once. "You never told me your name was Sai Lien. That is beautiful." He said and Sally smiled, from his lips, the name didn't sound so bad. "You never asked." She retorted playfully and he splashed her with the water. "Quit trying to push my buttons Onna." He said and Sally giggled. "But it's fun." She said and Wufei smiled a truly evil and wicked smile. "When you are better, Rest assured I will show you the meaning of the word fun." He said and Sally grinned. "Is that a promise?" She asked and Wufei smiled. "Onna, that is just stating pure and simple fact. And before you ask, No it is not a gun in my pocket. I am happy to see you." He said leaning over her to kiss her.

His Sally, the women who possessed the keys to his every emotion. His soul and his flame. He was the first of the New Dragon clan, and with Sally by his side, he knew he would not be the only member of that clan for long. First to make her his wife, then pray for the blessings to come. He hoped there would be many. Anything that came from Sally, was a gift to be cherished. She was the purity that had cleansed his soul and gave him the will to live and the spirit to face the changing world with open arms.